Dr. Gold Quoted in TechCrunch

On a quest to revive the woolly mammoth, scientists have created a woolly mouse. Is the first step towards resurrecting extinct species? You can read the profile on TechCrunch to find out. Of course they just used a small quote of mine; if you want to know the full response I gave the reporter, I’ve reprinted it below:   “This is a very exciting step towards bringing back the woolly mammoth, though it may not help us bring back any other prehistoric species. The woolly mammoth is unusual because it is very closely related to the living Indian elephant. This means scientists can potentially modify the genetic code of an Indian elephant so that it has the same mutations seen […]

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Chris Speaks at GSA 2024

Congratulations Chris on an excellent talk at this year’s Geological Society of America conference! We got lots of great feedback, and we’re excited to get the paper out. Look forward to it soon.

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Dr. Gold Selected as a Sinai and Synapses Fellow

Dr. Gold has been selected as a 2024-2026 Sinai and Synapses Fellow. The fellowship includes a select interfaith group of clergy, scientists and writers who are committed to elevating the discourse surrounding religion and science. You can find out more about it at https://sinaiandsynapses.org

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Aidan accepted to graduate school at AMNH

Congratulations to Aidan for his acceptance to the Richard Gilder Graduate School at the American Museum of Natural History! He will be working on a Master of Arts in Teaching, with a specialization in Earth Science. We wish him the best and can’t think of a better fit for the program!

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Award: Bilinski Fellowship for Chris

Congratulations to Chris for receiving a Russell J. and Dorothy S. Bilinski Fellowship at the Bodega Marine Laboratory! This fellowship will fund his research at BML for a quarter, and allow him to develop a really exciting collaboration with local citizen scientists. I look forward to sharing more details soon!

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Dr. Banker starts a faculty job at Providence College

I am thrilled to announce that our ex-postdoc, Roxanne Banker, has accepted a faculty job in the Department of Biology at Providence College. Congratulations Dr. Banker! Good luck on the big move and I know you have a wonderful career ahead! You can learn more about Dr. Banker’s work at https://roxannebanker.weebly.com/

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Tessa accepted to Stratigraphic Paleobiology Field Conference

Congratulations to Tessa for being accepted to the 2024 Stratigraphic Paleobiology Field Conference. This NSF-funded program is organized by paleontologists Mark Patzkowsky and Steven Holland, and teaches participants modern stratigraphic principles and quantitative analytical methods to study the fossil record. Have fun Tessa; I’m jealous I can’t come too!

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